Stan and Glenis focussed on accurate placement of boules today, setting four different tasks for participants to complete, all of them quite taxing as the shots were quite long. We moved between the tasks, with Stan and Glen and Gavin offering hints along the way. “Get it high”, “Keep your arm straight”, “That was across your body” and “Good shot” were frequent calls. Games continued on the other pistes while coaching was done.
The next formalised coaching session will be after our Saturday Competition on 20 November and Gavin, Stan and Glenis are available at other times when they are at the Club.
Get the boule through the “gate” to knock the cochonnet out Quite a long shot!!
A Saturday friendly game in progress “This time I will do it!” The cochonnet is very close to the line and your opponent has two boules in place – what to do?