During the Annual General Meeting, held in the Clubrooms on Wednesday 27 July, Life Membership was conferred on Marty Verdonk. Marty has been a Committee member since the inception of the Club, was Treasurer for some six years and continues to assist in so many ways. He ensures there is something for people to eat on a Wednesday evening, and organises the food at least twice each month. Marty also puts out and takes in the rubbish bins, and he also ensures the lawns are cut very regularly, particularly if there is to be a competition or function at the Club and he wages a constant war with any weeds that come up in the pistes. He willingly puts his hand up for projects that the Committee undertakes and maintains the clubhouse indoor painting with patch ups when marks are detected.
Congratulations and thanks, Marty, and we all look forward to your company (and assistance) for many more years to come.